# GET /v1/psp/eidas

# Overview

This endpoint encompasses the PSP Checking Service that enables ASPSPs to verify the identity and regulatory status of PSPs. This endpoint requires the eIDAS certificate of the PSP you want to get regulatory status of and the jurisdiction of the transaction. It will run a number of checks on the certificate (see here for more information on these checks) and check the appropriate NCA register for entries representing this PSP. The endpoint will return the result of the eIDAS certificate checks and the regulatory status of the PSP.

When calling this endpoint you will be asked to provide a Transaction Jurisdiction. This field represents the country where the financial transaction took place and will determine which regulator (or regulators) Konsentus will check. If the Transaction Jurisdiction is the same as the PSPs home country then Konsentus will check only the home regulator. If the Transaction Jurisdiction is different from the PSPs home country then Konsentus will check the PSP with its home regulator and the regulator of the country that transaction took place in. When populating the Transaction Jurisdiction field, the two letter country code should be in the list of valid Transaction Jurisdictions to identify where the transaction took place.

The Transaction Jurisdiction will also determine if the certificate presented is authorised to operate in the jurisdiction provided. When a certificate is issued, it is issued within a given set of jurisdictions (known as QTSP Jurisdiction). As such the QTSP Jurisdiction dictates whether a certificate can or cannot operate in the Transaction Jurisdiction provided.

To inform our customers of this data we have a QTSPSource field and QTSPJurisdiction field present in our API response. The QTSPSource will display the type of certificate that has been provided and QTSPJurisdiction will display the jurisdiction in which the certificate can operate. For example, an eIDAS certificate issued by an EEA-based QTSP with a Transaction Jurisdiction set as DE (Germany), Konsentus would return QTSPSource = 'eIDAS' and QTSPJurisdiction = 'EEA'. Please note that only one jurisdiction can be requested per API transaction. The use of multiple jurisdictions will result in an error, please see error documentation (opens new window) for details.

For details on our passporting logic follow this link


# Request Properties

# Headers

Authorization REQUIRED
Basic Auth Header
fi_reference_id REQUIRED
The local National Competent Authority (NCA) reference for the ASPSP making the request
This is an optional custom Transaction Reference that can be used for tracking when performing an audit
version REQUIRED
A string representing version of the API you are using
Base64 encoded eIDAS certificate

Further information is available on Authentication Headers, FI Reference ID and Version Header.

# Query Parameters

jurisdiction REQUIRED
Two letter country code indicating where the FI is holding the customer’s account, for example a customer account held in Britain would use the jurisdiction code GB

# Response Properties

eIDAS object
Data about the eIDAS certificate
validity object
Object containing eIDAS check results
validQTSP boolean
Is the eIDAS QTSP valid
validSignature boolean
Is the eIDAS signature valid
notRevoked boolean
Has the given eIDAS certificate been revoked
notExpired boolean
Has the eIDAS expired
data object
eIDAS certificate information
QTSPCommonName string
Common name of the QTSP found on the eIDAS certificate
QTSPSource string
Type of certificate issued by the QTSP
QTSPJurisdiction string
Jurisdiction of the certificate in which it can operate
authNumber string
Auth number of the PSP found on the eIDAS certificate
pspSubjectName string
Subject name of the PSP found in the eIDAS certificate
errors array<object>(optional)
Information indicating why categoryEntries could be false
code string
An application-specific error code, expressed as a string value
title string
A short, human-readable summary of the problem that should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization
link string
A link that leads to further details about this particular occurrence of the problem
homeRegister object
Details of the PSP from its home register
ncaName string
Name of the NCA
ncaCountryCode string
Capitalised country code of the NCA
registerType string
Indicates if the record is from the home or a host register
categoryEntries array<object>
Payment services categories of PSP
categoryName string
Payment services category name. See the register categories page for more information on categories.
pspLegalName string
Legal name of the PSP found in the register entry
pspAuthStatus string
Status of the PSP authorisation within the given NCA. The five available values are ‘Authorised’, ‘Registered’, ‘Unauthorised’, ‘Withdrawn’ and 'null'. See register categories for more detail on 'null' authorisation status.'
pspPaymentServices array<number>
Payment services that PSP can perform in home register
passportOut object(optional)
Information about payment services that the PSP can perform in the specified country
countryCode string
Capitalised country code that the PSP can perform services in
paymentServices array<number>
List of payment services that the PSP can perform in the specified country
warning array<string>(optional)
Information indicating why categoryEntries could be empty
hostRegister object(optional)
Details of the PSP from a host register. Please note this field is only used for GB’s Temporary Permissions Regime and Supervised Run-Off. For more information please see ‘Introduction to PSP Checking Service’, ‘Regulatory checking’, ‘GB-FCA Temporary Permissions Regime and Supervised Run-Off’.
ncaName string
Name of the NCA
ncaCountryCode string
Capitalised country code of the NCA
registerType string
Name of the NCA
categoryEntries array<object>
Payment services categories of PSP
categoryName string
Payment services category name. See the register categories page for more information on categories.
pspLegalName string
Legal name of the PSP found in the register entry
pspAuthStatus string
Authorisation status in their register
passportIn object(optional)
Specifies the PSPs home register.
countryCode string
Capitalised two letter country code of the PSPs home register.
paymentServices array<number>
List of payment services that the PSP can perform in the host country
warning array<string>(optional)
Information indicating why categoryEntries could be empty
errors array<object>

        See error documentation for fields and descriptions

# Responses

# 200

Request success and PSP information returned.

  "eIDAS": {
    "validity": {
      "validQTSP": boolean,
      "validSignature": boolean,
      "notRevoked": boolean,
      "notExpired": boolean
    "data": {
      "authNumber": string,
      "pspSubjectName": string,
      "QTSPCommonName": string,
      "QTSPSource": string,
      "QTSPJurisdiction": string
  "homeRegister": {
    "ncaName": string,
    "ncaCountryCode": string,
    "registerType": string,
    "categoryEntries": [
        "categoryName": string,
        "pspLegalName": string,
        "pspAuthStatus": string,
        "pspPaymentServices": [number]

# 401

Unable to Authorize.

    "errors": [
            "id": string,
            "code": string,
            "title": string,
            "link": string

# 404

Request received missing parameters or malformed

    "errors": [
            "id": string,
            "code": string,
            "title": string,
            "link": string

# Passporting Response Examples

# 200 OK - Scenario 1: Home Register Check

A check is requested on a PSP who is attempting a transaction in their home country. In this scenario the response is the PSP's entry from their home register.

Sample Request:

Auth Number (from eIDAS certificate)


Transaction Jurisdiction


Sample Response:

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-TEST-000001",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus QTSP - 1",
            "QTSPSource": "EIDAS",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "EU"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8]
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7]

# 200 OK - Scenario 2: Host Register Check

A check is requested on a PSP who is attempting a transaction in a country which is different to their home country. In this scenario the response is the PSP's entry in their home register (including payment services they provide in the specified host country) alongside the entry for the specified host country.

For details on our passporting logic follow this link

Sample Request:

Auth Number (from eIDAS certificate)


Transaction Jursidiction


Sample Response:

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-TEST-000001",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus QTSP - 1",
            "QTSPSource": "EIDAS",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "EU"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7],
                "passportOut": {
                    "countryCode": "XY",
                    "paymentServices": [7]
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8],
                "passportOut": {
                    "countryCode": "XY",
                    "paymentServices": [8]
    "hostRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XY-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XY",
        "registerType": "Host",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "passportIn": {
                    "countryCode": "XY",
                    "paymentServices": [8]
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "passportIn": {
                    "countryCode": "XX",
                    "paymentServices": [7]

# 200 OK - Scenario 3: Not passported out

A check is requested on a PSP who is attempting a transaction in a country which is different to their home country. In this scenario, the PSP does not have services that are passported out to the requested jurisdiction. The response is the PSP's entry in their home register showing no passportOut details. The hostRegister details show that there are no payment services passported in either.

Sample Request:

Auth Number (from eIDAS certificate)


Transaction Jursidiction


Sample Response:

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-TEST-000001",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus QTSP - 1",
            "QTSPSource": "EIDAS",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "EU"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7]
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8]
    "hostRegister": {
        "ncaName": "FCA",
        "ncaCountryCode": "GB",
        "registerType": "Host",
        "categoryEntries": [],
        "warning": ["The PSP Konsentus PSP - 1 could not be found in any GB register"]
Last Updated: 5/21/2024, 8:10:33 AM