# OBIE Test Scenarios

The test scenarios found below demonstrate how the Konsentus PSP checking service works for OBIE certificates against endpoint GET /v1/PSP/eIDAS. We have generated test data and test certificates for the below 10 scenarios.

Scenario 9 is not replicated for OBIE certificates, as OBIE certificates can only be generated for GB based PSPs

You can use all 10 certificates for our sandbox environment. We can provide end to end test certificates for all scenarios. These can be requested via our support desk. (opens new window)

The numbers representing roles returned in these test scenarios relate to the PSD2 payment services. We've provided a document mapping between the numeric roles to their descriptions.

# Running the scenarios

To keep the scenarios separate from any real country or NCA, a fake ISO 3166 country code, 'XX', has been set up, with the NCA identifier of 'XX-TEST'. For scenario 1 another fake country code, 'XY' (with the NCA identifier 'XY-TEST') has been created to demonstrate the passporting out of payment services. An example of how to query the endpoint using cURL is provided below.

You will need to generate your basic auth header from your provided API credentials and supply an fi_reference_id.

Scenario 1:

curl --location --request GET 'https://sandbox.konsentus.com/v1/psp/eidas?jurisdiction=xx' \
--header 'version: latest' \
--header 'fi_reference_id: {See below for information on what a valid fi_reference_id is}' \
--header 'transaction_reference: {See below for information on what a valid transaction_reference is}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {basic auth header}'

# Scenario 1 - Authorised PSP with PSD2 roles and a valid certificate

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1", which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the alternate OB Registration Number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000001" in the NCA register with name XX-TEST. They have a valid OB certificate that passes all of our checks and it has the roles 7 and 8 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles). They hold the "Authorised" status in the register XX-Test.

Certificate in Base 64 Format (this is the format the endpoint requires the certificate in)


Sample of information in a certificate

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1
Other Name: PSDXX-OB-TEST-000001

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 1
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 1

Serial Number: 53:ae:ed:02:f2:8b:14:79:4e:b2:a4:91:73:0b:51:27:b2:8b:e9:1e
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 09/12/2020 14:30:04 GMT
Valid To:   16/11/2120 14:30:04 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000001",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 1",
            "QTSPSource": "OBIE",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8]
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7]

# Scenario 1 - Passporting Out

The test PSP "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1" is authorised to provide the same payment services but in a different country, with country code 'XY'. To demonstrate this, change the jurisdiction in the URL query parameter from xx to xy e.g. https://sandbox.konsentus.com/v1/psp/eidas?jurisdiction=xy.

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 1",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000001",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 1",
            "QTSPSource": "OBIE",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7],
                "passportOut": {
                    "countryCode": "XY",
                    "paymentServices": [7]
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8],
                "passportOut": {
                    "countryCode": "XY",
                    "paymentServices": [8]
    "hostRegister": {
        "ncaName": null,
        "ncaCountryCode": "XY",
        "registerType": "Host",
        "categoryEntries": [],
        "warning": ["The PSP Konsentus OBIE PSP - 1 could not be found in any XY register"]

More examples of Passporting Out scenarios are detailed in Passporting Response Examples

# Scenario 2 - Unauthorised PSP with PSD2 roles and a valid certificate

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 2". Which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the eIDAS authorisation number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000002" in the NCA register with name XX-Test. They have a valid eIDAS certificate that passes all of our checks and it has the roles 7 and 8 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles. They hold the "Unauthorised" status in the register XX-Test.

Certificate in Base 64 Format (this is the format the endpoint requires the certificate in)


Sample of information in a certificate

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 2
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 2
Other Name: PSDXX-OB-TEST-000002

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 2
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 2

Serial Number: 15:5b:12:93:36:a5:e0:1e:7b:63:2d:34:9d:d1:af:9e:04:46:f4:91
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 09/12/2020 14:30:06 GMT
Valid To:   16/11/2120 14:30:06 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 2",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000002",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 2",
            "QTSPSource": "OBIE",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 2",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Unauthorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8]
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 2",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Unauthorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7]

# Scenario 3 - Authorised PSP with no PSD2 roles and a valid certificate

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 3". Which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the eIDAS authorisation number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000003" in the NCA register with name XX-Test. They have a valid eIDAS certificate that passes all of our checks and it has the roles 1 and 2 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles). They hold the "Authorised" status in the register XX-Test.

Certificate in Base 64 Format (this is the format the endpoint requires the certificate in)


Certificate Information

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 3
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 3
Other Name: PSDXX-OB-TEST-000003

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 3
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 3

Serial Number: 7b:75:c2:57:41:c7:3e:88:3a:6a:be:9f:aa:a3:4d:cd:e1:3f:13:90
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 09/12/2020 14:30:08 GMT
Valid To:   16/11/2120 14:30:08 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 3",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000003",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 3",
            "QTSPSource": "OBIE",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 3",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [2]
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 3",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [1]

# Scenario 4 - Authorised PSP with PSD2 roles and an expired certificate

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 4". Which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the eIDAS authorisation number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000004" in the NCA register with name XX-Test. They have an eIDAS certificate that has expired. A certificate chain that contains an expired certificate is considered broken and revoked, therefore the certificate signature and certificate revocation are returned as not valid. The PSP has the roles 7 and 8 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles). They hold the "Authorised" status in the register XX-Test.

Request Certificate


Certificate Information

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 4
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 4
Other Name: PSDXX-OB-TEST-000004

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 4
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 4

Serial Number: 47:98:8c:0d:93:86:e1:27:5f:5e:a1:84:4c:30:fc:c7:56:92:85:f7
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 09-12-2020 14:30:09 GMT
Valid To:   10-12-2020 14:30:09 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 4",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-OB-TEST-00000",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 4",
            "QTSPSource": "OBIE",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": false
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 4",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8]
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 4",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7]

# Scenario 5 - Authorised PSP with PSD2 roles and a certificate issued by an untrusted QTSP

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 5". Which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the eIDAS authorisation number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000005" in the NCA register with name XX-TEST. They have an eIDAS certificate that has been issued by a QTSP that is not trusted. The PSP has the roles 7 and 8 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles). They hold the "Authorised" status in the register XX-Test.

Certificate in Base 64 Format (this is the format the endpoint requires the certificate in)


Certificate Information

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 5
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 5
Other Name: PSDXX-OB-TEST-000005

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE Untrusted QTSP - 5
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE Untrusted QTSP - 5

Serial Number: 25:a7:f5:91:b6:01:4f:11:1b:7d:3d:f4:5a:ed:24:c0:54:cd:f3:00
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 09-12-2020 14:30:11 GMT
Valid To:   16-11-2120 14:30:11 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 5",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000005",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE Untrusted QTSP - 5",
            "QTSPSource": "Unknown",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "Unknown"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": false,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 5",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7]
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 5",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8]

# Scenario 6 - Authorised PSP with PSD2 roles and a revoked certificate

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE Expired PSP - 6". Which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the eIDAS authorisation number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000006" in the NCA register with name XX-TEST. They have an eIDAS certificate that has been revoked. The PSP has the roles 7 and 8 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles). They hold the "Authorised" status in the register XX-Test.

Certificate in Base 64 Format (this is the format the endpoint requires the certificate in)


Certificate Information

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE Revoked PSP - 6
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE Revoked PSP - 6
Other Name: PSDXX-OB-TEST-000006

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 6
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 6

Serial Number: 68:dd:c4:64:49:47:5d:3e:71:4a:41:53:47:d7:2e:03:04:5f:a8:2e
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 09-12-2020 14:30:13 GMT
Valid To:   16-11-2120 14:30:13 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE Revoked PSP - 6",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000006",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 6",
            "QTSPSource": "OBIE",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB",
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": false,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 6",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 6",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [

# Scenario 7 - Authorised PSP with PSD2 roles and certificate has no revocation list

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE No Revocation PSP - 7". Which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the eIDAS authorisation number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000007" in the NCA register with name XX-TEST. They have an eIDAS certificate that has no revocation list (or at least a URI on the certificate that does not lead to a revocation list). The PSP has the roles 7 and 8 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles). They hold the "Authorised" status in the register XX-Test.

Certificate in Base 64 Format (this is the format the endpoint requires the certificate in)


Certificate Information

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE No Revocation PSP - 7
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE No Revocation PSP - 7
Other Name: PSDXX-OB-TEST-000007

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE No Revocation QTSP - 7
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE No Revocation QTSP - 7

Serial Number: 0a:d6:64:44:22:bd:4d:44:c7:1f:bb:73:3a:9d:76:4f:57:ff:de:4c
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 09-12-2020 14:44:16 GMT
Valid To:   16-11-2120 14:44:16 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE No Revocation PSP - 7",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000007",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE No Revocation QTSP - 7",
            "QTSPSource": "OBIE",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": false,
            "notExpired": true
        "errors": [
                "code": "crl_response_error",
                "title": "CRL revocation check failure on certificate C=GB, STREET=London, CN=Konsentus OBIE No Revocation PSP - 7, O=Konsentus OBIE No Revocation PSP - 7, OU=Konsentus OBIE Testing, OrganizationIdentifier=PSDXX-OB-TEST-000007",
                "link": "https://developers.konsentus.com/api-reference/error-codes.html"
                "code": "ocsp_response_error",
                "title": "OCSP revocation check failure on certificate C=GB, STREET=London, CN=Konsentus OBIE No Revocation PSP - 7, O=Konsentus OBIE No Revocation PSP - 7, OU=Konsentus OBIE Testing, OrganizationIdentifier=PSDXX-OB-TEST-000007",
                "link": "https://developers.konsentus.com/api-reference/error-codes.html"
    "homeRegister": {
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 7",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8]
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus PSP - 7",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7]
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home"

# Scenario 8 - Authorised PSP with PSD2 roles and certificate with an invalid signature

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 8". Which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the eIDAS authorisation number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000008" in the NCA register with name XX-TEST. They have an eIDAS certificate that has a signature that tells us that the contents of the certificate have been tampered with. The PSP has the roles 7 and 8 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles). They hold the "Authorised" status in the register XX-Test.

Certificate in Base 64 Format (this is the format the endpoint requires the certificate in)


Certificate Information

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 8
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 8
Other Name: PSDXX-OB-TEST-000008

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 8
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 8

Serial Number: 73:3e:f9:e9:d1:2d:b7:77:b9:64:ed:f0:fb:d9:54:c1:6f:b1:2c:74
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 09-12-2020 14:30:15 GMT
Valid To:   16-11-2120 14:30:15 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 8",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-TEST-000008",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 8",
            "QTSPSource": "OBIE",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": false,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 8",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7]
                "categoryName": "E-Money Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 8",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [8]

# Scenario 9 - Authorised PSP with PSD2 roles and certificate with TPR Passporting into the UK

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 9". Which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the eIDAS authorisation number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000009" in the NCA register with name XX-TEST. The PSP has the roles 7 and 8 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles). They hold the "Registered" status in the register XX-Test. Additionally when checking the GB jurisdiction this PSP has passporting in permissions for roles 7 and 8 granted by the FCA according to the Supervised Run-Off. They hold the "Authorised" status in the register GB jurisdiction. This is because the FCA are responsible for the Supervised Run-Off data and thus could set a different authorisation status than the home register.

Certificate in Base 64 Format (this is the format the endpoint requires the certificate in)


Certificate Information

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 9
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 9
Other Name: PSDXX-OB-TEST-000009

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 9
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 9

Serial Number: 4D:4F:FC:9A:3A:AD:8B:3D:D8:B8:02:84:E7:56:C2:4A:F0:CD:BC:61
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 01-06-2023 at 11:21:31 GMT
Valid To: 09-05-2123 at 11:21:31 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 9",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000009",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 9",
            "QTSPSource": "OBIE",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 9",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Registered",
                "pspPaymentServices": [7, 8]
    "hostRegister": {
        "ncaName": "GB-FCA",
        "ncaCountryCode": "GB",
        "registerType": "Host",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 9",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "passportIn": {
                    "paymentServices": [7, 8]

# Scenario 10 - Authorised PSP with PSD2 Role and a valid certificate

In this scenario, we are running a check on the test PSP "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 10", which is a PSP from the fictional European country Testonia with ISO 3166 country code of 'XX' and has the alternate OB Registration Number of "PSDXX-OB-TEST-000010" in the NCA register with name XX-TEST. They have a valid OB certificate that passes all of our checks and it has the role 5 (see Annex I in the PSD2 Directive for definitions of these roles). They hold the "Authorised" status in the register XX-Test.

Certificate in Base 64 Format (this is the format the endpoint requires the certificate in)


Sample of information in a certificate

---- Subject Name ----
Country: GB
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 10
Organization Name: Konsentus OBIE PSP - 10
Other Name: PSDXX-TEST-000010

---- Issuer Name ----
Country: GB
Street: London
Organisation: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 10
Common Name: Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 10

Serial Number: 69:34:4d:17:51:c9:5c:92:ab:bf:bc:a8:3f:06:dd:2b:23:a2:06:ad
Version: 3
Signature Algorithm: SHA-256 with RSA Encryption ( 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 )

Valid From: 03-03-2021 14:16:06 GMT
Valid To:   08-02-2121 14:16:06 GMT

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 10",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-TEST-000010",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 10",
            "QTSPSource": "QTSP",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 10",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [5]

# Scenario 10 - Passporting Out

The test PSP "Konsentus PSP - 10" is authorised to provide the same payment services but in a different country, with country code 'XY'. To demonstrate this, change the jurisdiction in the URL query parameter from xx to xy e.g. https://sandbox.konsentus.com/v1/psp/eidas?jurisdiction=xy.

Endpoint Response

    "eIDAS": {
        "data": {
            "pspSubjectName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 10",
            "authNumber": "PSDXX-TEST-000010",
            "QTSPCommonName": "Konsentus OBIE QTSP - 10",
            "QTSPSource": "QTSP",
            "QTSPJurisdiction": "GB"
        "validity": {
            "validQTSP": true,
            "validSignature": true,
            "notRevoked": true,
            "notExpired": true
    "homeRegister": {
        "ncaName": "XX-TEST",
        "ncaCountryCode": "XX",
        "registerType": "Home",
        "categoryEntries": [
                "categoryName": "Payment Institution",
                "pspLegalName": "Konsentus OBIE PSP - 10",
                "pspAuthStatus": "Authorised",
                "pspPaymentServices": [5],
                "passportOut": {
                    "countryCode": "XY",
                    "paymentServices": [5]
    "hostRegister": {
        "ncaName": null,
        "ncaCountryCode": "XY",
        "registerType": "Host",
        "categoryEntries": [],
        "warning": ["The PSP Konsentus OBIE PSP - 10 could not be found in any XY register"]

More examples of Passporting Out scenarios are detailed in Passporting Response Examples

Last Updated: 5/21/2024, 8:10:33 AM